Weeknote 07, 2025

Experiments Review

Hello world!

It was a little short, but I think the formats experimentation worked out pretty well. I was able to explore a bit more with my writing here, and read a bit more about how other people do their own weeknotes. Overall, I don’t think I’m going to adopt any one style as a new permanent way of doing weeknotes here, instead I’m just going to write however I feel is appropriate for the given week rather than being strict.

A cool change has been rolling in down here this past week, bringing with it a bunch of rain which quickly abated. As a result, I was finally able to get back into my parent’s garden and do some much needed weeding, as a ton had grown back thanks to all the rain and time being unattended. I was also able to finally pick a bunch of the cherry tomatoes, which has grown quite big since I was last in the garden! Sadly still no viable fruit from the heirloom tomatoes, but there are a lot of stuff growing on it, so hopefully I’ll be able to get something from it this time around. I might need to buy some longer stakes to get them off the ground better and maybe that’ll work.

Post by @ovyerus@aus.social
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Those cherry tomatoes got used a few days later as a roasted side to some beef schnitzels alongside a cucumber salad, and it was awesome. The tomatoes were soft, sweet, and pretty rich, and they paired really nice with the cucumber salad which was a real refreshing contrast. And the tomatoes being home grown made it even better!

Post by @ovyerus@aus.social
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Green thumb aside, I’ve been fighting against my 3D printer trying to get prints sticking properly to the print bed but it seems like it’s just wanting to stick to the nozzle no matter what. I might need to swap out the nozzle for a cleaner one, but that means going through a big box of stuff to try and find my spares which is a huge task I don’t really want to undertake. Perhaps I’ll be able to find the mental energy this coming week.

I’ll leave you off with Puppet feat. distant - Who’s Haunting You?.