Weeknote 04, 2025

Experiments #2 - 5 Things That Happened

This week I’m going to be trying out a “<x> things that happened” format. I think this may help me to cut down some fluff with what I did, we’ll see.

One. My sleep this week has again been absolutely atrocious, save for yesterday but that was because I was able to sleep in until quite late. I need to seriously put in some concerted effort into fixing this in the coming weeks, as I almost missed a few work meetings due to sleeping in just a bit too long. Hopefully with the public holiday tomorrow I’ll be able to get a start on that 🤞.

Two. I did some substantial changes to my butchers order this week in order to accomodate one of my housemates, who doesn’t enjoy picking around bone for meat. We tried out their beef schnitzels for the first time the other night and they were really nice! I need to come up with some more cool sides for stuff like that though, at some point.

Three. I got around to doing some minor maintenance on a few projects. For bandsnatch I reverted a bunch of the stupid stuff I was doing trying to wrangle cross-compilation into the Nix flake, as I found it rather complex for very little benefit for me personally, as well as up one of the more complex data fetching functions a little bit, to prepare for some more major refactoring around how it works there.

I cleaned up my NixOS/nix-darwin dotfiles a little bit and finally updated the public repository with my new content (previously it was just a Home Manager configuration) to act as a public example of a daily driver NixOS desktop. Do check it out if you’re interested!

I also did some light cleanup on my personal website (where you are reading this, hopefully!) as it turns out I missed some changes that occurred when I upgraded to Astro v5.

Four. Alongside that maintenance, I’ve been exploring more self-hosted stuff after seeing the Tailscale folk do a blog post/video on Beszel which I decided to set up myself. and it’s been very nice! I also found out about Pocket ID, a simple Passkey based OIDC provider, and replaced my Zitadel instance with it. Zitadel is nice as an identity provider, however I found it a little too complex for my needs (it seems to be very aimed at organisations, which isn’t a bad thing) and Pocket ID feels really good so far.

Five. I ended up cutting the pad on my right index finger pretty badly earlier in the week, while trying to open a bag of potato gems with a bread knife. Don’t know how I managed that, will teach me to just use scissors in the future I suppose. At least the cut wasn’t super deep, just bled a lot.