Weeknote 51, 2024

A Bad Santa Finishing Up Work

Hello world!

I visited my extended family this Christmas weekend for lunch. It was sort of a potluck style this time around, where everyone brought their own meat to cook and have themselves, rather than having a few roasts done as usual. We also played “Bad Santa” (or “Dirty Santa”, apparently?) for handing out gifts this year, and I got a moka pot and some pre-ground coffee out of it. Excited to try it out. Sadly I had to leave a bit early, but it was a nice get together and we had a good time.

It was also the last work week of the year for me, mostly spent wrapping up some of the stuff I’m currently working on to be in a good spot for me to return to in the new year. I need to make sure I use the break well instead of just playing games all the time, I’m sure I’ll find some things to do (really I should get some cleaning done around the house lol).

I didn’t do any gardening this week, although I probably should’ve, but now that I have some time off during the next few weeks, I’m going to try and get it done a bit more frequently, mainly to keep clearing out weeds but also to water my plants since it’s getting pretty dry here. The tomatoes are still coming along strong though! Very excited to see how they turn out.

This week’s song is Toby Hedges - Images, from 2013!