Hello world!
Not much of significance to report on this week. It felt like it whizzed by super fast and I didn’t have the time to really do things. Plus the weather has started getting stupid (hot one day and raining the next) so I wasn’t able to get outside to do any walks, and it looks like that’s going to be the case for this coming week as well 🙁.
I did however, play through Half-Life 2 again, thanks to the recent 20th anniversary update it got. They added a retrospective developer commentary mode throughout the game, and it was cool listening to them talk about how features evolved, and how they were seen back in 2004. I’m also going through aiming to get all the achievements that I never got around to after all these years.
And my housemates dragged me into playing World of Warcraft Classic, with it also being WoW’s 20th anniversary they’ve launched another branch that is starting from the vanilla game, like they did originally 5 years ago. Currently I’m a bit on the fence about it, I’m not really into grindy games, but probably will stick with it for the 1 month that I bought and then see how I feel about it then.
This week’s song is Braxton & Lauren L’aimant - Holding On.