Weeknote 39, 2024

Hello world!

A more low-key week after all the bustling of moving house last week. All the major unpacking has been done, it’s just trying to find spots for all the smaller things now. Going to hit up IKEA sometime soon to get some shelving for things to make it easier.

In other news, the peas in my garden have started growing pods! Can’t wait to get enough from them to use them in dishes properly.

Several pea plants, with a number of pea pods shown growing from them.
Several pea plants, with a number of pea pods shown growing from them.

The place I’ve moved to also has some garden space (I’ve been doing gardening at my parent’s place since I lived in an apartment before), and I might start growing some herbs locally to use them fresh.

I ended up shifting my keyboard layout away from home-row modifiers as I found myself hitting them on accident too frequently. I tried out auto shift for a few days and I actually quite enjoyed it, but found out I can’t enable it per-layer in ZSA’s online configurator (as otherwise it would screw up with trying to use my keyboard in games), so for now I’ve gone back to a standalone shift key on my left thumb and that’s been working well. The other modifiers are kept as one-shot modifiers on a secondary layer and that’s been good for me too.

And today, I baked a cake with my housemates. An orange & poppyseed cake mix from Green’s. Not the fanciest thing, but it came out real nice, just something to do together on their day off.