Weeknote 34, 2024

Hello world!

I decided to pick up iOS app development this week. I’ve had a few ideas bouncing around in my head for a while now, and finally had the spark of motivation to learn Swift and SwiftUI! Coming from my frontend framework background, I actually found SwiftUI pretty easy to understand and get used after the initial hurdle of learning to navigate Xcode. I might look into setting up VSCode for working with Swift since I’m more comfortable with it’s controls. If you’ve been interested in picking up SwiftUI too, I’m currently following the 100 Days of SwiftUI course (albeit, going at a pace far exceeding what it recommends, due to not being a beginner) and it explains the various Swift and SwiftUI concepts very well!

I also added RSS feed support for these weeknotes to my website earlier in the week, so if you’re wanting to keep up with these for whatever reason you can just add the feed to whatever app you enjoy using, and it should Just Work™️.

Despite the forecast at the start of the week looking pretty dreary, it ended up being clear just about ever day. I was able to get a walk in just about every day, but had to skip out on Tuesday due to it deciding to be the exception and pouring almost all day. I hope I’m able to find time this coming week to keep this going as a habit.

I finally managed to secure a lease for a new place after searching for several months! Will be moving in about a month, and I already can’t wait.

All I’ve been playing this week has been No Man’s Sky again, going through the main story and side content after finishing off the community expedition last week. There’s actually a ton of content I didn’t realise I was missing out on because I wasn’t investigating stuff properly in the past, and it’s all pretty awesome!

This week’s song is Otherwise - Cruel Unusual.