Weeknote 31, 2024

Hello world!

It’s been a pretty chill week for me. We’ve finally been getting some really nice sunny (but chilly) days down here, so I took the opportunity to go on some walks for once! Still not up to doing it everyday yet, but I’m hoping I can make progress towards that this coming week. Also thanks to the weather clearing up, I was able to finally able to do some more gardening at my parent’s place, after not being able to for several weeks due to several circumstances, which sucked. I forgot to take some photos of how it’s doing at the moment, but I’ll try next week—I planted some snow peas last time I was around, and they’ve sprouted quite a bit!!

Yesterday I went and saw Deadpool & Wolverine with a group of friends I reconnected with recently. I’ve never really been into superhero movies, but I found it enjoyable, and it was a nice excuse to finally hang out with some nice people after so long :). We had gelato afterwards even though it was a cold day, but it was really really good.

I made a couple of pull requests to various projects throughout the week, and I’m currently in the middle of working on another one. Pretty much all are just small fixes, but it’s nice to actually contribute to stuff I use regularly! I need to do it more.

This week’s song is rshand & Anita Tatlow - Stolen Heart.