Weeknote 29, 2024

Hello world!

Here I am again, second weeknote. I might be feeling like crap but if nothing else, I’m getting this done at the very least. The point of these is to do ‘em weekly, and by god I’m gonna do it.


I’ve unfortunately caught some sort of bug the past few days. Dunno where/when I caught it, but it certainly isn’t pleasant. Hopefully not another round of COVID. I had to skip out on doing laundry today because I’ve had pretty much no energy to do so, hopefully I’ll be more able tomorrow or something.

On the bright side though, I managed to reconnect with some old friends from high school out of the blue. Hoping the weather (and this bug) clears up soon so we can catch up properly.


Unfortunately didn’t get much done outside of work this week. I did do some decent progress at work at least, but I would’ve liked to do a bit more otherwise.


I’m still stuck in Metroid Prime 2 :(. I dunno if its a bug with the emulator or perhaps the Steam Deck controls, but I just cannot for the life of me get the Screw Attack to work! I might try plugging in a mouse and keyboard to see if I can perhaps execute it that way. For tomorrow, I think.


Just listening to a lot more miscellaneous mixes while I’ve been working, nothing too specific. Really helps me to get into the zone I find.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me on Mastodon at @ovyerus@aus.social.