Weeknote 28, 2024

Hello world!

At the start of this week, a mutual on the fediverse shared a post about weeknotes, introducing me to the concept. For those who don’t know, they’re pretty much a weekly journal entry reflecting on what occurred during the past week. Like a monthly recap, but more granular.

I’ve been wanting to do some journalling/proper notetaking for a while now—it’s one of the main reasons I decided to pick up Obsidian before the start of the year (which is what I’m writing this in!)—but I’ve been finding it difficult to do long(er)-form writing when it’s intended just for me, no wider audience. I’m sure I could get it nailed down by just going at it for an extended period, but dealing with ADHD makes it hard to find the right motivation/energy for that. So instead, I’m going to publish these weeknotes—one every Sunday—to the web, in the hopes that giving myself an “audience” will magically hack my brain into writing something like this, and that I might be able to later apply that to other aspects of writing. We’ll see.

It also gives me an excuse to post some more here, instead of leaving the site collecting dust for good periods of time.


I replaced my shower head this week, after it broke at the start of last week. Thankfully it broke in a way where it was still usable though not ideal, so I was able to wait until payday to head out to Bunnings and buy a nice replacement for it. I got my dad to come over and help install it as I don’t have a wrench for that kind of stuff (although I really should pick up a basic one for these sorts of rare occasions), and it’s working great now!

My mum had her birthday this week! Not a huge milestone or anything, but we went out to a nice local bistro for a dinner get-together, and it was a nice night.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get any gardening done this weekend, thanks to the weather being a jerk and deciding to rain on-and-off for BOTH DAYS. I’m praying that next weekend will be clear enough for me to get at least some amount of weeding done, but the forecast for this coming week isn’t looking too good. Let’s hope its wrong!

I also found out that tea and coffee can have an affect on the effectiveness of my ADHD medication when they’re had too close together, which explains why I was feeling pretty crap last week—usually I have breakfast well before taking my meds due to waking up times, but the last week I was waking up pretty late so it reduced the time between them. This week I intentionally spaced out breakfast and taking my medication by about an hour and the results were great!


It’s been a nice and productive week for me as a result of my ADHD meds actually working properly again! Very happy with what I was able to accomplish.

At work, I made a list of (hopefully) all the features that are left before we can launch a beta v2 of one of our core platform parts, and was able to make some good progress on it. As the week closed in, I got a little caught up in the details and touched some stuff I really should’ve ignored for later, but that happens sometimes.

I picked Bandsnatch back up for a bit, adding ratelimit handling during dry runs as Bandcamp must have added them sometime recently (why no user API? 😢), and also adding support for some cross compilation shenanigans with its Nix flake, although realistically I don’t really need it too bad since I have a Hetzner box that handles ARM builds for me in CI, but it might be useful to someone! I’ve got a bug to investigate from a few weeks ago that I need to get around to still, perhaps next week.

While scrounging around some package source code out of curiosity, I discovered that Date.UTC exists in JavaScript, making it super easy to get a god-damn UTC time. I cannot wait for Temporals to finally hit Stage 4 and be actually usable.

And of course, I added weeknotes support to my website (you’re here)! As well as some general cleanup (I found out I had left a placeholder page description in for the better part of a year, at least) and finally using a new logo that I commissioned aaaaaaages ago. It feels good to get back into stuff and polish it up a little.


I played an interesting mix of games this week, mostly thanks to the Steam Summer Sale brainwashing me to get a few games that I don’t really need. But I did actually play what I bought, so that’s something!


I’ve been listening to a lot of mixes from f1rstpers0n this week, trying to catch up some recent-ish ones that I missed somehow, as well as their back catalogue. They’re really nice vibes and have been great for putting on in the background while getting work done, highly recommend!

One song that stood out to me is Monrroe, ft. Emily Makis - Never Too Old. Smooth liquid vibes.

And that’s it for this week! I’m going to be aiming for these weeknotes to have a pretty similar structure as I think this worked pretty well for me, but it’ll always just be whatever I feel like.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me on Mastodon at @ovyerus@aus.social.