Weeknote 36, 2024

Hello world!

I got some new tech this week! I upgraded my monitors from 144Hz 1080p (AOC 24G2) to 180Hz 1440p (AOC CQ27G2X), which also happens to be my first run in with using curved monitors. My main reason for switching was wanting to check out bigger resolutions for the first time (the slightly faster refresh rate just happened to come along with these), and I saw these at what I considered to be a pretty good price: $249 AUD each, down from $339 at the time of purchase. So far, they’ve been pretty good—games and text look awesome—but there’s some pretty noticeable ghosting in scenarios like fast moving targets or even just scrolling text in the right circumstances. It’s a little annoying, but I don’t think it’s a deal breaker for me personally.

I also got a new keyboard alongside the monitors! I’ve been using the ZSA Moonlander for the past 3 years and been loving it (I’m hooked on split ergonomic keyboards now), but I’ve been itching to try a low-profile keyboard for a while. So I ended up getting ZSA’s Voyager board; a bit of a similar idea to the Moonlander but using low profile keyswitches, and a slightly smaller layout. Getting used to it has been a bit of a challenge, as I’m really used to having the dedicated modifier buttons like Shift & Control and never really messed much with layers previously beyond simple stuff like arrow keys, but I’m experimenting with some different stuff and slowly getting towards a layout I’m fully comfortable with. I definitely love the feel of the low-profile switches compared to full sized Cherry style switches, and I’m going to try some different variants to find one I love.

I’ve kept up my walks where possible this week, although a few days had rainy weather so I had to change up my walking times from the early afternoon to something a little earlier, but I got them done which is the important part!

I finally finished Metroid Prime 2 earlier today, after a few weeks of procrastinating on it (lol). Again really good like the first game, and I can’t wait to get into Prime 3 to prepare for when 4 launches sometime soon™️.

Usually, I end these off with one song I really enjoyed during the week, however NERO finally released their new album “Into the Unknown” and I can’t pick just one song from it, so instead I’m going to be recommending the whole album. It’s great to see new stuff from them after so long :).

Also this week, I did a slight rework of my logo on the website. I mostly just redid some of the metrics to square things up & adjust the border radii. Small stuff to improve it just that bit more.